
This page will feature comments from some of the many patients I have served. I wish to share their thoughts on the importance of sports medicine in enriching their lifestyle and sense of well being  Click on the names to read about their experiences.

In Their Words:

Garth Thomas is glad he chose PRP for his achilles

Martin A. is happy to be back hiking the Dolomites after receiving stem cell on his knees

Tanuj Bansal is enchanted

Byron Ricks is happy to have is back back

Gary and Julie Brooks take their happy knees to the peak!

Dawn Olson takes her “Happy Knees” to the Grand Canyon

Eva Baker back in action after knee surgery

Cindy Peterson shares her success in the Timberline Marathon.

Sherry Banks tells a great story about her best friend.

David J. Gadbois competed in the U.S. Nationals with Dr. Robert’s help

Cassandra gets to do what she loves the most

Jessica Pixler successfully recovered from a femur injury

Teresa Martineau completed an Ironman Race!